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Chart & Stethoscope

American Healthcare System: Flawless or Lawless? 


Through this inquiry class, Exploring with Mindful Curiosity and Creativity (EMC), at Guilderland High School, I decided to deduce a world full of areas of improvement down to inequity in the healthcare system, how drug pricing affects Americans and their health, and factors contributing to gaps in quality of life.  With the pandemic hitting New York from February, I have shifted my focus to covering what makes COVID-19 victims more vulnerable. 

About Me

My name is Rashmina Sayeeda and I am a senior at Guilderland High School. By pursuing my studies in both medicine and public health, I hope one day I can provide populations of people who are unable to access proper healthcare with their deserved optimal treatment. Being one year away from diving headfirst into the real world (otherwise known as college), I decided to branch my thinking on this topic before sitting in lecture halls. 

What is EMC?

EMC is an inquiry class instructed by Guilderland High School's librarians, Mrs. Melissa Gergen and Mr. Bernard Bott. Each student is free to roam the realm of any topic, committing to it for the entire school year. What every thinker puts into their topic and research is what they get out of the class.

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